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secure enterprise and mobile architecture
Phone: 832-510-7119








Wireless Assessments

Protect Wireless Access by Assessing Both Wi-Fi and Perimeter Vulnerabilities

Why wireless assessments?

A true wireless assessment is not a remote application — it requires onsite investigation since the wireless network is primarily local. While a secure perimeter is certainly necessary, Wi-Fi is often overlooked. 90% of iPads, iPhones, Androids, or other BYOD units use Wi-Fi connectivity — a situation that can be easily breached if not protected.

Have you ever wondered if your wireless network was truly secure? It’s a common trait for most security managers. There is a reason to wonder on many fronts:

» WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is better than nothing at all, but that is not good enough for a secure network. There are multiple security problems with WEP; among these issues are:

» Share and pre-shared keys pose a huge threat since security of a wireless system is dependent in large part to the secrecy of the keys. In either case, multiple users may be assigned the same secret key, making it easy for hackers to infiltrate the data.

» Have you considered that when a third-party resource plugs their wireless access point (WAP) into your facility through Ethernet — to connect their computer wirelessly into your network — that an enormous vulnerability is created? At this point, if your wireless network is not sufficiently protected, then anyone within range of the WAP can connect and has a gateway connection to your network and all systems.

What needs assessment?

Any access point within a location, whether industrial, office, or government facility is susceptible to intrusion.

Enet 1 Group and Wireless

Due to our longstanding involvement in assessing wireless systems and developing wireless applications, we are uniquely equipped to provide a comprehensive wireless assessment for your company. We want to work with you to protect your valuable assets — contact us.

Phone: 832-510-7119

Copyright EnterNet Security, LLC. All rights reserved. EnterNet Security, LLC is the parent company of Enet 1 Group.

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